Email : kfbktm@gmail.com
Welcome to Kerala Federation of the Blind Kottayam Site
Kerala Federation of the Blind is a non-profit charitable self-help organization of the Visually Impaired,established in 1967 and registered under Travancore -Cochin Literary Scientific and Charitable Societies Act 12 of 1955 as S.71/1969. Kerala Federation of Blind aims to promote healthy and independent living for those who are visually challenged by providing them with timely and relevant resources. We aim to ensure the interests and rights of those who are visually impaired by providing them assistance in all fields for increasing confidence and to develop courage among our members to face the world independently.
Kottayam District Committee
It was in 1976 that Kottayam District Unit was started under Kerala Federation of Blind. At present there are about 500 members in this Unit. The Office and Welfare Centre of Kottayam District Unit is at Thiruvatta in Aymanam Grama Panchayat. This unit undertakes various programmes for the welfare of the blind.
The federation is managed and controlled by blind persons only. So we are doing all our welfare activities through the support and assistance of well-wishers including Governmental and Non Governmental agencies. It is true that the federation is a channel agent to get help to poor blind persons in the society.

We are doing all our welfare activities through the support and assistence of Government and NGOs, welwishers and from other General Public.